UK-India Collaboration


The Significance Of International Experience & Exposure For School Students

We believe the academic year brings more than just early mornings and early nights. It also means adapting to the teaching styles of a new teacher, having to make new friends, and of course, learning new subjects and skills. With our international institution collaboration and validation from the Government, professors, teachers, international assignment, your school children are bound to get global exposure. Furthermore, our Global Advisory Board comprises internationally acclaimed business leaders, and entrepreneurs, serving in an advisory capacity & focusing on GTEP global reach around the world

The program includes studying and staying in the UK schools, Harry Potter studio learning walk, British Library, Science Museum, Cambridge University visit and BBC Microbit expert session. In today's rapidly evolving world of technology and innovation where technology is at everyone's fingertips, children need to be at pace with this digital evolution and cultural assimilation.

Children's Development Program

Through this program, children get immersed in the language and culture of the UK. They receive continuous and challenging opportunities to interact with the people of the UK and thus develop Cultural Knowledge and Language Proficiency.

Children also get an opportunity to explore the world's most popular and exciting spots and also participate in some of the best Educational Workshops. They thus learn to perceive the world from a broader perspective and experience themselves and others as Global Citizens.

Teacher's Exchange Program

In this program of Creative Teaching & Learning, the main objective is to help the Indian teachers understand the pedagogy, teaching skill sets and curriculum for skill-based courses available within the UK education system. The visit to the UK aims at identifying new ways to enhance a student-centric approach to learning including the use of technology.

The visit includes lesson observations to learn first-hand the teaching and learning practices used in UK classrooms. This provides an exposure to develop a module to introduce an international perspective into their existing curriculum and pedagogy to prepare the students for the global world.

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