UK-India Collaboration


The significance of learning from International faculty.

Why we wait until high school or university to offer GLOBAL elective to students and why we don’t begin introducing children to a world beyond their own community at a much younger age. Our futures are increasingly linked to the challenges of the global community. Gtep conducts a Global teaching & learning program to develop the skills necessary to not only live in our increasingly interconnected world but to also lead and thrive as global citizens.

The 21st century student will work for international companies, preparing the child to be a Global Citizen is one of the main objectives of the program. In this program children will experience the UK School culture, exchange of thoughts and ideas through online & face-to-face contact with teachers, management, & children from the United Kingdom.

Children's Development Program

GTEP believes that iCDP program is essential for a complete all-round education as well as providing a real-life experience. International Teachers add to 'scaffolding of learning' in their methodologies and approach towards the teaching and learning to the students. They have a unique ability to engage foreign students with unfamiliar academic expectations and possess the capacity to see the bigger picture as they remain motivated to stay innovative to make lessons engaging and effective.

Faculty Exchange Program

Globalization is a Two Way Process and the Most Ideal Method of Sharing the Best Teaching Practices have been possible by our UK faculties conducting Training in our iCDP program by developing the next generation of global citizens, empowering them to solve cross-border challenges, uncovering new possibilities and develop revolutionary ideas and solutions for their future.

Our Online Classes

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